Does This Look Like The Face Of A Woman Who Ran Over Her Boyfriend 3 Times With A Truck Because He Forgot To Stop At The McDonald's Drive Thru?


Smoking Gun – After an evening out drinking, a Tennessee woman became so angry with her live-in boyfriend for failing to make a McDonald’s pit stop that she struck him three times with his own vehicle. Crystal Greer Brooks, 33, Santiago Hernandez, 41, and a second man were traveling in Hernandez’s truck early Thursday morning when Brooks got mad because “they didn’t stop at McDonald’s,” according to a Kingsport Police Department report. Brooks demanded that Hernandez pull over. When he complied, Brooks replaced him in the driver’s seat of the Chevrolet S-10. While Hernandez was standing in front of the truck, Brooks drove into him, knocking the father of her child to the ground. She then “pulled forward and struck him 2 more times with the truck,” police charge. A responding officer noted that Hernandez had abrasions on his arm and back, and his “clothing appeared torn, consistent with being dragged on the pavement.” Brooks denied plowing into Hernandez, claiming that he had actually jumped on the truck’s hood. Seen in the above booking photo, Brooks was arrested for aggravated assault and booked into the Sullivan County jail, where she remains in custody.

Is Santiago Hernandez fucking insane? Who wouldn’t follow orders from this behemoth? This bitch looks like The Great Khali


That woman could tell me to take a strap on and I’d probably comply. If she tells you to go to the McDonalds late night when you’re shitfaced, you fuckin do it man. Who doesn’t want McDonalds at the end of the night of drinking anyway? I guess the same sort of lunatic who would defy Crystal Greer Brooks. Just reckless and irresponsible behavior all around. Don’t want a Number 1 when your drunk? Don’t want to listen to the most manly woman on God’s green earth? Thats how you end up getting run over by your own truck. Thrice.

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